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 Faust VII, Insane Surgeon

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Posts : 92
Join date : 2010-04-04
Age : 29
Location : Stealing your pies!~~~

Faust VII, Insane Surgeon Empty
PostSubject: Faust VII, Insane Surgeon   Faust VII, Insane Surgeon I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 10:59 pm

Name: Dr. Keriel Faust VII

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Race: Human


Abilities: Able to reanimate and even temporarily rebirth the dead

Bio: Keriel Faust VII came from a long line of doctors. As a child Faust was quite anti-social due to his excessive study on medicine and surgery, with only one friend, a girl named Eliza. As Faust grew older his interest still remained mostly on surgery, but Eliza didn't seemed to mind, it was as if she loved Faust, and in time Faust began to love her as well.

Following his parents' wish and moving to Japan all the way from Germany by ship to study herbal medicine, Faust had no choice but to leave his darling Eliza behind right after his proposal to her when he had just reached the age of 19, promising he'd be back in no longer than a year, Faust had left. But little over a month after he left, Faust recieved news that Eliza died of a fatal disease. Rushing back to Germany Faust barely reached the day of his love's funeral in time, and he blamed himself for not being there to save Eliza's life.

After the incident, Faust stayed in Germany, locked himself in his cellar studying ancient books written by his grandparents and secretly performing illegal experiments and surgeries on people he's able to trick. Eventually Faust came upon research notes by Keriel Faust I, and apparently these notes depicted of the years Faust I spent trying to find a way to bring the dead back to life. Faust VII was fascinated and used these notes as a foothold, eventually gaining some form of abililty to reanimate the dead.

As soon as he completed parts of his studies on what was called necromancy at the age of 22, Faust secretly dug up the grave of Eliza and tried to resurrect her, it worked, but Eliza had only been reanimated, she was still a bony skeleton. Having no more leads to further his study and practice of necromancy, Faust remembered about Japan, where he had heard countless stories of magic there.

Unsure if those stories are true but desperate enough to try anything, Faust took the remains of his wife Eliza and went on another trip to Japan.

Other: He's still in love with what used to be Eliza which is now only a skeleton, and he's quite insane.
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