Inuyasha: A Thousand and One Demons
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 Circe the Quirky

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Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-04-07
Age : 83
Location : Squished within the pages of a dictionary~!

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PostSubject: Circe the Quirky   Circe the Quirky I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 11:58 pm

Name: Circe

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Race: Half-Breed


Abilities: Has a beautiful singing voice, which she uses to seduce people and persuade them to do things for her.

Bio: Circe was the first born out of her 2 other siblings, feeling that she had lots of responsibilities when she was younger. She was always the most powerful, seemingly gaining more demon-like strengths and qualities than her sisters. She left when she felt like she needed to leave the nest, so she wandered through life for a few months, not knowing what to do with herself.
One day while traveling in the cold, harsh mountains, she found a snugly-looking mansion, where a cruel demon lived by himself. He took Circe in, and was kind at first, but soon turned violent and hateful. She lived under his custody for over a year, becoming hardened from constant torment. Her mind was becoming more and more warped, until she finally snapped and killed the demon. She now lives in the same mansion, taking in travelers and using them; playing with them like dolls, then throwing them away when she becomes bored. She keeps some with her to do her bidding.

Other: Enjoys playing the lute and singing in her free time. She wishes she could see her sisters again, but she doesn't want her little birdies to escape their cage, now does she?
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Posts : 92
Join date : 2010-04-04
Age : 29
Location : Stealing your pies!~~~

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PostSubject: Re: Circe the Quirky   Circe the Quirky I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:06 am

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