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 Sibling Carnela

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Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-04-07
Age : 83
Location : Squished within the pages of a dictionary~!

Sibling Carnela Empty
PostSubject: Sibling Carnela   Sibling Carnela I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 9:36 pm

((Woo, it's finally done! 8D))

Name: Carnela

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race: Half-Breed


Abilities: None really than the general powers from her demon side, but she's very skilled at mixing different herbs and making potions and brews. She carries her spices in a small pack.

Bio: Carnela is a generally serious person, even though she hides her softer side. She doesn't smile a whole bunch, hardly jokes with anyone, but doesn't mind conversing every now and then. When she felt that she was old enough, Carnela left to go travel the world, adventuring and taking in all the sights the world had to offer. She doesn't like being tied down in one place, so often skips around, making stops around cities before leaving shortly after she arrived. When she heard a rumor that the Shikon Jewel had been taken by a demon, it perked her interest just a bit. Why not pay a visit to see how this demon really is?

Other: Cecilia's sister. She visits her occasionally
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