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 Carnela's Weapon: Valentine

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Posts : 57
Join date : 2010-04-07
Age : 83
Location : Squished within the pages of a dictionary~!

Carnela's Weapon: Valentine Empty
PostSubject: Carnela's Weapon: Valentine   Carnela's Weapon: Valentine I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 10:12 pm

Name: Valentine

Appearance: See staff Carnela is carrying in profile picture.

Description: A sturdy willow wood, well painted and glossed so that it won't chip easily. Holds an ornate jewel in the middle.
Valentine isn't really meant for attacking, but does good things with defensive and healing spells. It's greatest positive is to deflect most attacks and ward off bad omens.

Bio: Stopping by a small village on her travels, she noticed an old woman, cooing about her poor little kitty stuck in a tree. Carnela easily saved the said kitty and returned it to the old biddy. The lady thanked Carnela kindly, and... poof! Turned into a seemingly harmless staff. It has the inscription "My Sweet Valentine" in very small, fine letters at the base of the staff, giving it it's name.
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Carnela's Weapon: Valentine
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