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 Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan

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Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan Empty
PostSubject: Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan   Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2010 10:54 pm

Name: Riblan the mace

Appearance: The handle is just a bit longer, though, so she can use it with two hands.
Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan Quad%20Ball%20Medieval%20Spiked%20Mace

Description: Riblan isn't a very old weapon compared to some; it's estimated to be around 20 years old. Made with shiny, stainless metals, it's very useful for bashing peoples heads in~ When used by the right person (someone who has fox blood), it is capable of turning very large, but still maintains its original weight. In a pinch, Cecilia is able to turn into a 9-tailed fox with this weapon equipped. Unfortunately, to anyone else who isn't part fox, it just works as a regular mace.

Bio: While working in a bar as a waitress, a man drunk off his feet gave it to her as a gracious tip. Cecilia was reluctant to take the medieval weapon at first, but then decided it would be useful if she wanted to use it as protection. On a whim, she practiced enough with it so she can now use it efficiently. It has helped her once or twice in a pinch, seeing as it's enchanted with just a bit of fox magic.
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Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan   Cecilia's Weapon: Riblan I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 09, 2010 10:59 pm

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